Okay so If you havn't been lucky enough to rock a range rover sport yet and havn't been chosen by Xzibit to have your whip pimped yet, fatlace and Illest have came up with a way to get you the cred you need to cherp some honey's!
This robot gemini design has been put onto a navy blue crew neck jumper and a white tee ready for summer, the lines for a abstract robot, which is the iconic design to relate with the soapbox clothing label, get it tomorow from http://soapboxclothing.co.uk/index.php
Here's another soap box tee that's simple and very attractive, the custom font logo give's the tee a unique feel, without cluttering it up like many BBC and ICE CREAM tee's do. These are for sure what you should spend your dollar on! these will be release tommorow in black and white from http://soapboxclothing.co.uk/index.php
Ladies and Gents one of the coolest brand in the UK have released picture of the new SOAP BOX summer 2010 range. Here's a tee that would look so sick this summer. These will be avalible from tommorow (07/06/10) from http://soapboxclothing.co.uk/