Monday, 31 May 2010

SUPREME - 5 panel hats

Here's some hats which are pretty hot right now in the urban culture scene, made by one of the biggest names in this industry SUPREME although this pattern has been out for a while there are more patterns coming out these are just a favorite of mine!

Ideas for a haircut?

This is the style!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Qustom queen sneakers!

Kim aka QUSTOM QUEEN! is a scottish sneaker designer doing the UK proud with all these Dope sneakers that will Blow you away! Not only are the snow leopard Sneakers above decked out with amazing patterns and colours but they also change colour! how many trainers do that?! exactly! My favorite trainers designed by the qustom queen herself are the dunk low's that she created when the icelandic volcano erupted leaving ash clouds all over the world Here's the sneaker and a video to show you in greater detail...

Add her facebook!

Amanda yoakum + yoakum designs!

Amanda yoakum Is an amazing custom sneaker designer from America that has been customizing her own trainers with amazing designs on them! The amount of detailing on them really is Insane! She has won many compotitions and Im sure will be winning many more, Here are The latest sneakers to get a sick facelift!

The Bankrupt slut SUPRA'S!

Rotobox vinyl anatomica!

Rotobox vinyl anatomica are a Vinyl toy company from the philippines Which have been designing some amazing toys which are head to toe in detail, guns, wings etc!
I've been collecting Bearbricks now for a long time and still love them but the guys at rotobox may have converted me into a die hard rotobox head!
Here are some more pictures which will blow your mind!..

Check out kuso vinyl

Rotobox vinyl anatomica

Sunday, 23 May 2010


Kobe bryant, Mike epps, and DJ AM all in one advert?! that's craZy! I wouldn't dare play this game, 1 Cus I suck at basketball, and 2 Cus im broke and sneakers don't come easily for me!I want to see a real life game of HORSE played, let me know if anyone does risk there soles over HORSE like DJ AM did!

Manu Chao - Bongo Bong

First heard this song when i was on holiday in portugal at some surf compotition My family and I went to watch. Love it!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

All of bearbrick series 20!

The new bearbrick series 20! my favorite 3 are; Iron man, Gremlins, and Jelly bean!

Il update this when I find out the secrets!

Friday, 14 May 2010


Here are 3x10 free song codes for itunes!
just go onto the itunes store, click redeem and BOOM!





One of the most anticipated air max 90's is be re-released, some people hate this, they say the infrareds are loosing all hype because there releasing them too much, This is rubbish! I've already orderd mine from should do the same!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

UBIQ - El canvas

I find these shoe's so pleasing and simple to the eye. The quilted toe and the thick sole contrast the striped side's accompanied by the white leather strap, these deck shoe would look sick with skinny jeans, just at $160.00 i feel there abit pricey, but i can see myself getting a pair anyway such a nice alternative soloution to vans which are becoming more and more common.
Get them here!

Monday, 10 May 2010


This has got to be one of, if not THE best series so far, it marks the 20th series of medicoms most popular toy quite well with some massive features, I have too say my favorites gotta be between iron man and gremlins, there all sick though!

Will drop in June 2010!

Friday, 7 May 2010

Jellybean bikes!

JellyBean bikes!...These new bikes are made down under in australia, they offer a wide range of colours and styles and variety, they are the ultimate bike to roll up on, and at $599 including P+P, your not bursting the bank.